Im really bad at updating you guys with sheno sar bs ana gayla lazim atsana3...
So The cure that totally cured me oo ra7 kelshay ely kan feeny is...
Not the creams, powders, lotions, etc etc..
But simply....
La wel meshkela ena ana ely I prescribed it to myself, 7asayt ena el creamat had too much stuff in them o might harm my baby so I reasearched online oo 6ala3 lots of mothers-2-b sar feehum oo some tried Olive Oil oo ohwa ely nefa3!!
El7emdellaa ya rab .. enshala ma7ad ethoog ely thegta...
A Look Inside the New Asnan Tower
3 hours ago
yalla zain el7mdella :)
wey ashwa el 7amdilla 7beebty,
ma testahlain walla ..
Im so glad ur better
el 7amdelaa ;*
w ba3ad etha khala6tay olive oil w zait il loooz w zait el arqa6yoon min il 7away sh7ilwa 7ag el sha3ar:P
w matshofen shar;*
zaboo6a: Ee wala el7emdella ;)
7aneen: thanks my luv, ;**
Sha7afana: alf el7emdela
Um-Mit3ib: Baaaaaaih sej metfargha :P ana eb 7alaa al7eeen wentay metfarghatlee lol, shar mayeech ;*
eshda3wa: Ditto that!
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