Tuesday, January 30, 2007

London Update

Londons amazing but EXTREMELY cold! I hate the cold weather, makes you put on more layers then necessary, then you have to wear an extra large coat, and ofcourse lets not forget something else to warm ur head and neck! EKH!

Yazeeeeeeeeeenech yaliKuwait eb 7arech o defaach!

Alot of Kuwaities in London is simply a rumour, mako a7ad ela shwaya, and mostly their people I like so i dont mind them being here :p

I saw UTMOST on my second day here ;** love you

I got a haircut today, ya3ni barage3 mawthoo3 el braces chan a6ayenha (If u know what I mean)


Ive been walking ALOT lately, and eating plenty! As they usually say "Cold weather makes you hungry" Sedagt wala ya mathal!

I heard theres going to be a bloggers meet up, Wanasa :P We dont meet up bel kuwait la'ana "fashla" bs ib London KILSHAY 3adi :P

OK i guess thats all for now!

I GTG I need to eat something sweet !

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I'm Leavin on a Jet Plane..!

IM off to London tonight, with my favorite cousin in the world.

Its so exciting to travel alone, although my mom is going to be there too but in a different hotel so malna sheghel feeha kelish :P

Were gona meet up with my other cousin there, oo ALOT of our friends are going to be there too!

Although I hate the way I look now :( (7a6ait braces y'all) I hope the trip will make me forget how awful I look, and anyway its for the best right?

Im going to miss Kuwait, my love, my car, my home, Kuwaiti Dinars (since 7adha metbarka flosna mo el pounds malhum qeema), but all in all IM REALLY LOOKING FORWARD To THIS!

Benroo7 movies, shows, and actually have some fun and illiminate shopping from our thoughts for this trip (YEAH RIGHT)

Until then,,, i'll try to post up some pictures of our trip!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


For the past three/four days IT WAS BLOCKED BY FASTELCO!
I had no idea I posted invisible porn comments for the invisible people who thought it was inappropriate material to have in Kuwait therefore they blocked my comment page!

I was so infuriated as I was dialing Fastelco's number, I had no idea how to explain my situation. Ok fine, I was exaggerating, my blog worked perfectly but my comments were blocked, and so was everyone else using the BETA account.

So of course I called up the guy who deals with peoples night Internet problems using Fastelco's hotline. I calmly explained what a blog was, and that I totally had no idea why they had blocked the comments page.

Operator: Block? Ee a3aref sheno ya3ni Block.
Me: BLOG ma3a G, methel 'Gaarey'
Operator: Blog? Ee ham hatha a3arfa, shfee?
Me: el comment page is blocked!
Operator: Blogged?
Me: la hal mara Blocked, ma3a K methel "Kaff"
Operator: ee ee fahamtech
Me: inzain esh7aga? mafeeh shay qala6!
Operator: 3a6eeni el URL

I was supposed to be an anonymous blogger, the operator knew my friggin name! So of course *looks sheepish* I had to give him one of your accounts so he could check the type of comments this blogger had and then take it off the block list after it is approved to be Safe material (Malat). I am not going to mention which account I gave just incase a7ad ya7qed 3alay :P

So the operator joined in the given URL and saw the post, and kept reading it out to me, as if I was illiterate and couldn’t read the post myself!

Me: Garya hal post, abek tefta7 3al comments please wetshoof laish emsaweena block
Operator: Wain alga el comments?
Me: Ta7at el post!
Operator: ee ka ka legaita..

Operator starts reading the comments

Operator: Ee ka ka Zizo says, yararararara, Perfect Stranger says yararrararara,
Operator: Madri khalas ana aqadem taqreer, a36ehum hal URL oo enshala yet3adal bacher. Omtantoo7 says ...
Me: Khalas mashkooor !! Ma3asalama!
Operator: Ma3asalama yuba

4 days later it did work!.

So thank you my dearest Blogger (although you don’t know who you are, but thanks to you I am Unblocked!)

P.S I GRADUATED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

3 Down People!

Is it only me? But I have this urge to grab a sleeping bag and camp somewhere next to the university campus so that I would be the first to see my final grades on my friggin exams! I keep checking online every minute, but it seems to me that our Professors are seriously stalling time, and would rather wait for the beginning of the week to post the grades!!

Today I had another Final, which I was TOTALLY clueless about. The subject itself made no sense to me, poor finance students!
During the exam I tried my best and I did all that I could to cheat off of the person in front of me. I squinted, I bugged my eyes, I did all the techniques, and ended up feeling dizzy and cross-eyed. I then rested my face in my hands, and stared at the head in front of me. I envied her. She was writing and calculating, and I was absolutely clueless. An idea crossed my mind to grab her attention, I did an "O" shape with my lips and blew air into her short hair, I could see the effect make a gap into her bare neck, her hand scratched the nakedness i had mischievously caused, and she kept on answering, not even an attempt to see what has caused the sudden coolness on her neck! MASHEY !!!
So I decided to do nothing about the cheating business, but I came up with all sorts of revenge ideas to get back at her for not helping out her poor clueless friend.
15 minutes into the exam I realized that the bare white walls had neither answers nor sympathy towards me, so I put my head on the table and closed my eyes. Maybe I'll start imagining the answers. That didn't help out either.
In the end I answered what I knew and what I didn't know I totally guessed.

ALLAH ESA3EDNEY ENSHALLA! My brain capacity is toooo full for new information, I can't seem to install anything new, if we had a formatting thing for the brain I'd be the first to use it. (wala khoosh ekhtera3)

I know my grade will be nothing but "Sowwad wayhh" but for some reason I'm excited and Want to see what I had achieved!

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

2 Down !

I'm done with two finals now, bageeli three more..
(Enshalla 6ab3an)

I have sooo many plans for after graduation;
1-Go to horseback riding
2-Go back to Yoga classes
3-Join Tennis (Im a beginner 3ad ma3aref eb hal shay ;P)
4- Take a break
6-Hang up the law7at and pictures up in my room

This is not an attempt to make others feel envious of my delightful delightful position in life , bs eli me7tar tara kelmen lah allah, es3awwwwwwwww ya jema3a :P

OK Etha 3indikum afkaar 3an wain ashteghel please golooley ! I HAVE NO CLUE!
Adri ini 7anait wayed 3an hal mawthoo3 bs bastefeed shwaya men hal Blog, khal ye6la3 mena fayda :P

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

My Favorite Things ;D

I thought I'd share some stuff that I love, because I had some extra time, had nothing better to do (AND I'm avoiding studying for my finals ;P) :

"Rain drops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things"

My i-home or jbl ontime, its amazing! P.s for those who don't know, you place your ipod in the middle oo you can listen to your songs via the speakers.

This is the book I'm currently reading
A Million Little Pieces, by James Frey. Everytime I read it I get pissed off at James attitude and I shut the book, then I continue a week later ;P

This is my favorite winter socks, it keeps me warm and it feels sooooooo soft!

This is my favorite chocolate in the whole wide world! Ebe3oona eb jam3eyatna eb KD0.495 OLA! :P

Everyone should start using this toothbrush if you dont use it already. 7ada 3ajeeeeeeeeeeeb! For those who don't know me I LOVE TEETH! I take amazingly good care of mine, and I love people with pearly whites, or simply nice teeth.

Monday, January 1, 2007


I Could NOT stop eating! I spent New Years at my Aunt's place with all my relatives gathered, and seriously, see how you breath on a constant normal basis? That was how I ate! I NEED to cut out or else I'll gain 10 Kilos in no time, and that is DEFINITELY not something I am looking forward too.

But on the other hand, I am looking forward to Graduation, which (enshala) is very very soon, and I CANT WAIT!

Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Than I will be 100% financially responsible! I love hard-earned money, and although my parents are wonderfully generous, I would love to get money that I have actually worked for, not freebies given to you by your munificent parents.

SO anyways my Aunts place, is simply a compromise of eating and sleeping. You either do this or that! So I'm sure I packed on a few, but I will have my horse back classes back as soon as I'm done with finals, to burn off what I don’t need ;P