"Rain drops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things"
This is the book I'm currently reading
A Million Little Pieces, by James Frey. Everytime I read it I get pissed off at James attitude and I shut the book, then I continue a week later ;P
This is my favorite winter socks, it keeps me warm and it feels sooooooo soft!
This is my favorite chocolate in the whole wide world! Ebe3oona eb jam3eyatna eb KD0.495 OLA! :P
Everyone should start using this toothbrush if you dont use it already. 7ada 3ajeeeeeeeeeeeb! For those who don't know me I LOVE TEETH! I take amazingly good care of mine, and I love people with pearly whites, or simply nice teeth.
I like the collection. No go hit the books!
aywaa aywaaa aywaaaa! a7ad nafsi ou anfs 7alti ;p finals ou y7oos min blog lay blog!! ummm.. i love the socks such a unique sense of style :P ana 3indi pyjamat bes 7ag il exams 7ag il teshe5be6! ou wai3@mars delight.. never liked it :/ Good luck ;;* we all need it hal ayam !:P
do you know what is my favorite thing?
is this song on the piano :) i love that women,, i play all the sound of music songs.
go study :)
coolfreak: I did hit the books, tore some papers, and burnt my notes :P
omtantoo7: looool eeeeee 3adil kalamech aslan malait men el blogs 7est fehum kelhum abi new stuff :P oo 7ebay mars delight wala 3ajeeb :P bs ghaley :P bs 3ajeeb yestahel ;p thaaaaaaanks and goodluck to u too! :*
judy abbott:
I love her too, shes my childhood mentor !
I love this Mars.. 7ada yummy
I guess we have the same toothbrush... Bs yabeela new one
Go and study for ur finals gbel la etro7 wanasat el holiday o te6la3 men @@ech :P
Aywaa! toothbrush buddy! :P
ee ga3da adress latkhafoon 3alay om eglaib :P
mn wain dlaghech welli i3afeeech? ;p
um-mid3aab: t3arfeen eb Lebnan bel solidaire ako ma7al emda3was fee 6abghain, ta7at shabasat oo ghloob o kharabee6 bs etha tabeen el dlaagh 9e3edeela foog, etlageena hnak oo ed3eeley :P
Have you got a cow version of those socks? Would love some.
june: no but if I find some ill be sure to tell u abt them ;)
mars? ;/ eyqethhhh!! wayed thegeel ma7iba.. a7ib flake parline ;*** aaaaaa5 3athaaaaab!!
oo ilfersha,, shesmha? mashoof :p
hathy ily eta7arak madre shino?
ily it kan reach the unreachable? :p
voluble-girl: esem el fersha PULSAR! 3ajeeeeeeeeeeba wala stakhdemeehaa o ed3eeley :P
Merry-ummmm: I MISSSSSSSSSSSSSS YOU SOOO MUCHH WALAAAAAAAAAA! Eee im going to hang them up as soon as im done with finals! Next time ur back ur not going to see a spot of white wall men kether el law7at ;P
Allah! Can't wait!
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