Thursday, December 28, 2006

High school reunion

I have a headache a runny nose, and had one of the happiest days of the month today !

I met up with my high school friends (a small reunion), it was great seeing the changes and the latest news that everyone has been up to. Some gained weight some lost weight, but they all looked so great and happy and content. And that made me feel wonderful!

I realized that getting in touch with old friends is one of the most vital things. New friends (the one I made whilst studying here) are great too but are far more different than I am. They are more quiet and calm, I sometimes tend to be more on the wild side, yet spending much time with them I have adopted their characteristics and am more reserved than what I used to be. For example before, if I had to wait at a Doctors office I'd jump into a conversation with a complete stranger that’s sitting next to me just for the sake of wasting time. Now I'd just smile and fiddle with my phone till my turn comes up.

Today whilst I was with my friends from the past (they all study in the states except for me) I realized how wild and much more fun I was back then. And I kind of missed the old me. I was in a time machine that took me back to high school, where all our forgotten memories were brought back with laughter and joy. As we were huddled on the floor next to the fireplace, I was reminded that I had gotten school suspension for plagiarizing the teachers signature on my project, I really had the nerve back then. I'd never do such a thing now, I’d be totally terrified of committing such acts. I'd think it over 1000 times and then decide NOT to do it. My mouth hurt from all the laughing and shouting we did, I was four years younger today. But of course a quick call from my mother fast forwarded me into the present and I realized that I had to be responsible and consider the time and be home before the clock hits 11:00pm. I reached home 11:10, I got a cold stare, but what the hell! I had fun! After today's meet up I know that I had totally changed, and I guess it's for the better. Change is part of growing up I guess, and not being as wild and mischievous would probably be the more lady version of me, with a few twists every now and then. Ahh high school! How I would give anything to be back!

Tomorrow I guess most of us are going to be Fasting, so taqabal alah 6a3atkum and have fun :P

Monday, December 25, 2006

Starbucks & Rumors

(Click on the image to enlarge it)

I got this article in an e-mail today and it totally angered me. It seems to be that nowadays marketers are getting into religion to proscribe their competitor's products, as they had done with COCA COLA, and now are aiming at Starbucks.
I think some people are seriously trying to put Starbucks out of business, by boycotting them and spreading rumors. So what etha the name is derived from 'Ester'? not that that's true. Otherwise they would have callen it EsterBucks :P
To set the facts straight, assuming you had read the article above, I have come up with some facts that have been copied here from the original sitings:
"The first Starbucks was opened in Seattle, Washington in 1971 by three partners—English teacher Jerry Baldwin, history teacher Zev Siegel, and writer Gordon Bowker. The three were inspired by Alfred Peet, whom they knew personally, to open their first store in Pike Place Market to sell high-quality coffee beans and equipment. Entrepreneur Howard Schultz joined the company in 1982, and, after a trip to Milan, suggested that the company sell coffee and espresso drinks as well as beans.
The company was in part named after Starbuck, the coffee-loving first mate character in the book Moby-Dick, as well as a turn-of-the-century mining camp on Mount Rainier, Starbo or Storbo. According to Howard Schultz's book Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Cup at a Time, the name of the company was derived from Moby-Dick, although not in as direct a fashion as many assume. Gordon Bowker liked the name "Pequod" (the ship in the novel), but his creative partner Terry Heckler objected: "No one's going to drink a cup of Pee-quod!" Heckler suggested "Starbo." Brainstorming with these two ideas resulted in the company being named for the Pequod's first mate, Starbuck.
The company was in part named after Starbuck, the coffee-loving first mate character in the book Moby-Dick, as well as a turn-of-the-century mining camp on Mount Rainier, Starbo or Storbo. According to Howard Schultz's book Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Cup at a Time, the name of the company was derived from Moby-Dick, although not in as direct a fashion as many assume. Gordon Bowker liked the name "Pequod" (the ship in the novel), but his creative partner Terry Heckler objected: "No one's going to drink a cup of Pee-quod!" Heckler suggested "Starbo." Brainstorming with these two ideas resulted in the company being named for the Pequod's first mate, Starbuck.
The company logo is a "twin-tailed mermaid, or siren as she's known in Greek mythology."
Esther has nothing to do with the logo, the picture in the article showed of a Siren.
In early Greek art the Sirens were represented as birds with large heads and scaly feet, and sometimes manes, of lions. Later, they were represented as female figures with the legs of birds, with or without wings playing a variety of musical instruments, especially harps. The 10th century encyclopedia
Suda [1] says that from their chests up Sirens had the form of sparrows, below they were women, or, alternatively, that they were little birds with women's faces. Birds were chosen because of their characteristic beautiful voice. However, later in history Sirens were sometimes also depicted as beautiful women (whose bodies, not only their voices, are seductive), or even as mermaids (half woman, half fish).
I rest my case.
Starbucks is one of the most successful businesses in the world. It would take more than some stupid silly lies to stop them from pioneering into this world.
P.s I dont give two shits etha initially il salfa fekrat Yahoodi. SO WHAT!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Bloggers meet-up

I've always read blogs about bloggers meeting up, oo usually I get jealous ena I don't have the guts to do such a thing.

Well today my guts were finally born.

I met two bloggers oo it was spontaneous, unplanned, and even uncalled for.

I was in Mishref oo one of my blogger friends lived there. Slowly we decided to meet. At first I was very shy and nervous, I kind of backed out on the idea, but then I thought screw it. Let's meet. I talk to her all the time, (via sms) might as well meet her today.
I usually tend to plan on what to wear for every occasion, and since this is a first impression I thought I should have been more prepared.

My hesitations as to not pursue this meeting were:
I didn't look my best (and first impressions are IMPORTANT).
I was nervous.
It was unplanned and uncalled for.
I didn't think visiting a new person at their place was the appropriate thing to do:P (since we always heard about the bad things people you meet on the internet do to you) :P
and the list goes on.
But to my blogger friends defense, what led me to go on with this meeting was that she was related to my cousins,
my dad knew her dad,
we;ve been friends for nearly 3 months now.

With a deep breath I looked down at what I was wearing, a long green top and a beige high neck underneath, my jeans were tucked in my cowboy boots, and my hair was its natural being, wavy and not brushed :P
I thought to hell with it, from now on I'd follow what I actually feel like doing and not abide by any rules that I have set for myself.

Sej sej sej sej WANASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA when I first saw her!! Mashala she was everything I had imagined her to be and more! I didnt regret it for one second. Although at the beginning I didnt want to meet because I thought the mystery would be killed and therefore ruin our friendship, but I realized that it just built to it more, and made it somewhat more solid.

It was different from talking via msn, & sms. Actually today (before our meeting in an hour or so) was the first time I had spoken to her via phone! It was weird! She said I had a 'raqeeeq' voice, which embarrassed me further. I loved her voice, it was cheerful and full of warmth and kindness. (I'm really not gay:P)

Then our meet up, Ufff that was 'YARA3AAAA' bs I'm so glad I did it! Finally I get to see my friend. The one whom I have grown so found of within so little time. (Yeah Im not much of a people person sometimes.) At first I was nervous, bs little by little we began talking about everything. We didnt stop talking, and we continued the rest of sowalefna in Starbucks.

We then decided to visit another blogger (one who is already her friend, bs I have never seen before only read her blog). This time I wasn't so nervous and I was actually kind of excited! We parked outside her house and she came oo salamt 3alaiha oo she sat with us in the car (Where it was all nice and warm). We talked as if we were friends all our lives. I felt at total ease with them, they were just as I thought they would be. Funny, smart, kind, and the list goes on. We laughed gossiped and had a great time!

Enshalla its the blossoming of a new friendship & they totally rocked!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The "F" Word

What? You had the word "F*ck" in mind? (points an accusing finger), well ok your not very far off, I had the word Finals, but what the heck, F*ck Finals. All happy and contempt now?? Very well...

Yeah so Finals are coming soon. What does one do when Finals come up?
F*ck up.

Thats exactly what I plan on doing.

And yeah study my ASS off (Tanaqoth?) I THINK SO!

Im Graduating I have to do well, otherwise yeah I'd really F*ck up bad, then Id be using the real effective "F" word in every single sentence for the rest of whatever semester I might be repeating, or possibly for the rest of my life.

So please please please, include me in your prayers, remember me as Perfect Stranger Bent Blogger. or you can say "Yarabey etwafeg Perfect Stranger Bent Blogger oo 3alamat'ha bel jam3 men a7san ma yumkin, wetsakherha bel zooj el 9ale7, wetab3ed 3anha 3athab el gaber, o etkoon men ahal Firdous ameeen" :P

Thanks for now oo etha neja7t, lekum 3azeema enshala, waaaaaaaaaaaain mataboon! ;)


Im always touched by peoples kindness, something unexistant in my world anymore.

A few weeks back I was sitting in university surrounded by friends and classmates, when I started complaining about a subject that I am not doing very well in. Some listen attentively and agreed that the Dr was a bastard, some just continued with their chitchats, and some (whom I'm not too close with just sat and stared). I didnt ask for help though, and none was offered.

Today as I was walking the corridor to kiss some professors ass, one girl who was a classmate and whom I didnt familiarize with her face until recently, was walking towards me with a big grin on her face. She handed me some papers and all the while I thought she was mistaken me for someone else.

"Hal awrag ra7 esa3doonech eb your upcoming exam eb that awful class of yours"

I stood their stunned at her kind gesture. All through my university years I have always been shocked and amazed at the levels of deceit that I got from my classmates that I stopped asking anyone for anything, I had lost hope in kindness, thought it didnt exist anymore, that I too became a near Bitch(e7em) and only smiled and helped if I felt like it, otherwise I'd completely ignore any unfamiliar face.

I took the paper, the shocked expression was replaced with a large smile that showed all the appreciation towards this wonderful thoughtful person. I admired her kindness, and wished that there were more of her to make everyones day a little bit brighter.

One kind gesture like that totally made my day, and I gained faith again that there is kindness out there, and being a Bitch was not the answer to everything. (;P)

The link below has nothing related to the above post, but its truly hilarious

PMS-Survival Tips:

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Artificial Beauty & all that crap

Lately I have been to a lot of '3azas' in which everyone mourns over the dead. People go to pay respect for the family of the one passed away, and this respect is shown by women wearing black 3abayas, and no facial cosmetics. I repeat NO cosmetics.

Well recently the trend has changed. Women and girls began attending the Funerals with cosmetics applied on their face. Why? It's insulting to the mourning family. If you have come to pay respect then SHOW respect.

Cosmetics is used in most cases for festive occasions. So why use it in Funerals?

I researched and found out the following:
This is not facial cosmetics that they have on, but tattooed eyeliners, and lipstick. IMAGINE you are permanently make-uped, if there is such a word!! You wake up in the morning with make-up in your face. I mean how stupid is that?

As I was growing up I began noticing that women have tattooed eyebrows. Is it supposed to show? No it's supposed to look natural. BUT women it shows!! I also know that its '7arram' but what the heck, mara7 adish eb hal mawthoo3.

So now that the eyebrow trend became old, women began taking it a step further, lets get permanent eyeliners, lip liners, and lipstick. I'm telling you this is ALL new to me.
I am PRO natural beauty and against all this ridiculousness.
Actually its getting quiet scary, I don’t know what to expect next. Of course I will not mention lip inflammation which increases the size of the lip to give it a more round look.

Usually when I feel down I would go for a hair cut, or a new hair color (but I quit dying my hair now, Never AGAIN), something to make me feel good about the way I look, which makes me inner happy therefore it influences my external environment :P. But PERMANENT makeup?? What if it turns out wrong? IT'S permanent damage.
I think this permanent damage is ruining the image of beauty. Beauty nowadays is becoming more superficial then natural. The more artificial ladies become, the more attractive they are. And of course some believe otherwise
The extent that they go to gain this artificial beauty is horrendous. Not only is it applied to their faces but some go all the way to take out two of their ribs, one from each side to give her a more narrow waist. How sad is that?

I have no idea what to classify as good looking, and what to classify as attractive-artificial anymore. What has our world become to? What trends would our children bring back home to us tomorrow when we're all grown up and accustomed to these ridiculous new trends?

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Quotes by my wonderful(NOT) University professors, and life in general

Doc no. 1: What Am I doing wrong? Why arnt we interacting? Lets go have our lecture in he Garden, maybe then I might get feedback from all of you.

Doc no. 2: May the spectators of the class please answer my question. I say spectators since none of you gets their books nor pens to class. So spectators, may you please answer?

Doc no. 3: You are like my children. But you do not treat me like your father.

Doc no. 4: No Dont Clap, Its 'Harraam, against Islam' (WTF?!)

On a lighter note, things have been going from bad to good in my life. I havent been posting much as I had nothing to write except for stressed out posts and cruel intentions, but my mood seems to be uplifted and yeah I can see the silver lining on the cloud.

Talking about clouds the weather in Kuwait is actually winter, so Im sure winter lovers are enjoying it. Me on the other hand I leave each morning grumpy with a not so loving look at the sky. Ekh I hate the cold weather, it makes me get road rage. I drive like crazy when its cold. I cant seem to keep my feet from pumping the gas to the mazimum level. Id reach university in 7 minutes, when in normal sunny days it takes me atleast 15 minutes. SCARY? Yeah for the passengers sitting next to me, and everyone else on the street. But I enjoy the speed. Makes me feel good.

Im graduating soon(enshalla), and I have NO IDEA where to apply for work. Id rather be in a place where it requires ALOT of travelling, but the main firm would be located in Kuwait. Or maybe a good place in Kuwait with a high salary would be perfect.

If you have any suggestions feel free, and NO BANKS FOR ME !

Monday, December 4, 2006


Some days everything works out perfectly, and all day you are smiling and feel good about yourself.

Other days you just want to SHUT EVERYONE UP, including the annoying voices in your head.
Today is of the latter.
I haven't been feeling too good about myself lately. Things haven't been working out, and I seem to feel less of myself. As if I am too blame for everything. Maybe the world isnt going the right way because of ME. Something might be wrong with ME. How can I format MYSELF? Is it me? Or Is it ME? Can I blame myself for everything? YES! WHo else is there to blame. I hate myself lately. I hate me.

When I'm stressed I don't think straight. My day is filled up with presentations, midterms, and the oh-so-not-great-social life(includes family life).
None of which I can ignore for any period of time.

So what I end up doing is venting here, and every other place.

I wish life was always peaceful and perfect. I wish I had the brains of the smartest person in class. She always gets 100% in all her exams, and projects. And she doesnt look nerdy. But still I hate her, cuz shes a mean person. When I ask her a question regarding any upcoming exam she acts dumb and says 'I dont have notes' YEAH RIGHT!

I wish that it becomes official. Its so simple. Why make it complicated?

I wish I was a champion horse back rider, and jumped fences higher than 2 metres.

I wish I would get into 'Hay'at el estethmar' without much complications, from family or life.

I wish that I could get married and hide behind my husbands back and let him deal with all lifes difficulties.

I wish that I was more 'Dayna', and wore a 7ejab. But its not simple from the family that I come from. Allah ehadeeney enshalla !

I wish that my brothers would always be good. I love them to pieces but they are TOO MUCH for me to handle. Even the kid (now 13)

Im in a bad mood, I wish yet3adal bser3a cuz I have a presentation that I'm not halfway prepared for. And its group work I cant let them down.

Nothing seems to be working out.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Happy Birthday Bitch

Its my cousins birthday and I was excited about celebrating it with her. Thursday afternoon she told me she had no plans and wanted to celebrate.
Today I went and got her a birthday present and a card, all day i was on my toes and couldnt wait to give it to her and make her happy as we went out to celebrate her special day.

Since my phone line was disconnected, I had to wait to get home and call her via house phone.
It turns out she had made plans with her sisters friends and her sister and they were all going out to dinner.
"I Thought u said u had no plans and wanted to do something"
"NO I told u that I HAD PLANS."
"Ok I must have imagined it then, anyway ur present is here come pick up before u go"
"Sure mashkooora wayyyed 7abebtey! Ill come by in an hour"
"El3afo Happy Birthday"

I was tired and wanted to sleep. But I went to my car, got out her present and birthday card, wrote a birthday message on the card. And waited waited waited.
Its 12:30 AM and she still didnt come.

I wasnt even asked to go with them to celebrate.
It would have been nice to ask.

Not that I was going anyway, cuz my mom was coming back today from travelling. But it would have been considerate.

So Happy Birthday Bitch.


What is a normal engagements procedure (In the kind of family that I come from)

The boys mother calls the girls mother and asks if the girl is available for marriage.
The mother answers yes or no.
If no the boys mother tries someone else.
If yes, the mothers 'talk' on the phone, exchange information (if they didnt know each other at all)
then boy comes visits girls home so that girl meets boy. (if they didnt know each other)
If they knew each other then they act infront of parents of girl that they dont. (;P)
Boy sits with the girl and her family.
Boy leaves, and girl either tells her family if she accepts or not.
If she does or doesn't accept, both cases girls mother has to call boys mother and tell her of the news.
If she does accept then a private engagement is settled between the family.
Boy and girl exchange numbers (If they dont already have it).
Boy visits girls home (with family members insight) regualarly as to get to 'know the girl better'.
When Boy and Girl feel ready to announce their engagement, the boys family (MEN ONLY) come visit the girls home to officially ask for the Girls hand.
Then the Women of the Boys family come to Girls home and ask for her hand (On a another day).
Boy is allowed to come visit girl after the Khe6ba, and sit with his Fiancee.
If boy is a romantic he would give his Fiancee an engagement ring, which she places on her right hand.
TEXT messages of the engagement would be sent all over Kuwait. And Everybody would congratulate Boy & Girl.