"Beladukum 7elwa 7elwa
bs el wa6an MAALA METHEEL
Loo 7ena safarna el SHOWG eraja3na
7ob el wa6an ghaley
wel 3eesha fee jana!"
Sej sej sej 3amaar Ya KUWAIT!
I've never felt the value of my beloved Kuwait until last week.
Your bed is done for you, your meal is cooked for you, you have someone picking up after you, taking care of you, feeding you, paying for you, loving you, ok ok I'm getting carried away but you get the point?
Although I have travelled on my own before, and lived with a friend in her apartment, it has never been this much a burden as has the past 10 days. You pick up after your careless cousins, you sweep the floors, wipe the dobag 'sticky stuff', sparkle the dishes, make the bed, and the list goes on. I NEED A MASSAGE! I NEED TO BE SPOILT! I NEED ANOTHER HOLIDAY after this holiday :P
BUT the truth speaks for itself; I HAD A BLAST! Sej tebahthalna bel 3eesha broo7na oo 7asaina eb qeemat el floos, but nothing could measure up to the amount of fun, laughter, and amazing time that we spent together !!
A Look Inside the New Asnan Tower
3 hours ago
lol ur right abt it being too much sometimes (i still have the scar from when i burned my hand trying to iron my shirt:P) bs aham shay ena u had fun, o welcom back ;p
7imdillah 3alsalama o glad u had fun!:D
glad u had fun!
7amdilla 3ala salamtich ;*
intay lail7een ma radaytay?! yala sheelay gashich ou ta3alai jedami ahoo besich hyata ;p
3awzeeeeeeeeeeen Bost 3awzeeeeeeeeen Bost ;p
ana wala ba3ad abe massage w um mid3ab taby.. spa time tom;p ?
7amdellah 3al salamah
Mako methel 7g el q8.. The best country ever :)
bored: thanks
vodka: hehe say mashala layseer feeni shay :P
dandoon" alah esalmech ;)
utmost: thanks ;)
omtantoo7: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL ! Radaaaaait radait ;P enshala i will BOST soon :P
um-mit3ib: OK khalas, bs 3ala 7sabkum, ana falast after today :P
zizo: Sa7 elsanek !
eee ana ghaneya hal yomain istighileeny:P
"Beladukum 7elwa 7elwa
bs el wa6an MAALA METHEEL"
what's the name of this song and who is it by?
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