Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Once upon a black Abaya

Veiled heads, dressed all in black, from head to toe, my painted red fingernails hidden underneath my silky black Abbaya, worried that the "Hay'a" might question me, stop me, hold me hostage in their big black GMC. We all had solemn expressions, faces swept away from any smiles or happy expressions as we roamed the malls. We were in Riyadh and all shocked at how they led their lives.

We were there on a short trip, 2 days only not more. The girls their were so nice and pretty, they were so kind and generous, so down to earth, wonderful companions and tour guides. They were cousins of our Kuwaiti friend, thank god we knew someone there to explain to us how to act and where to go and what to do and what not.

They took us everywhere. Bizarrely enough they had a whole floor in a shopping mall called "Ladies Kingdom" which we can shop scarfless, only women are allowed there.

When we actually went to have coffee, we wernt allowed to get out of the car, but the driver took our orders and headed down to Java Time (latheeeeeeeeeeeeeth) which is their "Starbucks". Although they do have a starbux, its not "in" like it is here.

Sadly we didnt stay long enough to go on their dessert excersions or their house gatherings (which is real big in Riyadh due to all the rules they have for women) its more fun to stay at home or visit your friends houses.

What really struck me as strange, is upon my arrival to the hotel, dressed in my black Abbaya holding Mr's hand when a man about our age started shouting out comments, flirting at me and my sister in laws ASHKARA, not even considering the MAN standing next to us as anything. Ya3ni not only don't you have respect for women, bs man also??

Such a strange peculiar experience. An unexpected abnormal one.
My highlight must have been getting to know the young, smart lively girls, and I must say JAVA TIME !

  • P.S I hope I didnt offend anybody in this post, its just sooo different than what I had expected, and so different than it is here in Kuwait. I am sure if i did live their I'd find Kuwait strange comparing it to my own hometown, so close to each other yet so different lifestyles and ideologies.


eshda3wa said...

all in all seems like u had a good time ?

doona said...

i know =\

im guilty as charged...i used to look at their way of life and HATE all saudi people for being like that...

until a few years ago when i met my first saudi freind...thats when i realized that they are nothing short of amazing people!

so generous and kind, so SMART and so down to earth mo nafs most kuwaities 5ashmhom blsema! and mashallah they really are like precious gems. they are just amazing people

and thats when i learnt never to judge a person by where they live =)

Nutter said...

i'm glad you had fun over there :D ... a two day getaway is a nice change of routine/atmosphere!

el7amdlellah 3la el salamah

Mrs. said...

eshda3wa: ee i know from reading the post u dont get what kind of mood im in, happy or not, bs yeah i was confused and had a good time

dandoon: ee eyanenoooN!!

gone bonkers: It was such a wierd trip wallaah

shoosha said...

may9eer nailpolish? :S